Roland Steele,
Roland Steele, owner of Steele Acupuncture, is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist with over 14 years of experience in treating patients. He is board-certified to practice all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture, herbal therapy, cupping, moxibustion and more -- both through the State of California Acupuncture Board and the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). In addition to his work as an acupuncturist, Roland spent many years working with Ron Teeguarden, famed herbalist and owner of Dragon Herbs -- the premier source for Tonic herbs. Roland often uses herbs as part of his treatments in addition to acupuncture.
Unlike many who enter Chinese Medicine after experiencing healing through acupuncture and other Chinese Medicine modalities, Roland actually experienced a profound illness immediately after graduating from school, in the form of autoimmune arthritis. While it put a damper on his acupuncture practice, causing him to stop practicing for a time, he was able to completely heal himself using his knowledge of Chinese Medicine. This gave him a profound insight into autoimmune conditions as well as the chronic pain so often associated with these disease states. Since then, he has helped many patients in their healing journey who have suffered the same type of arthritis and similar autoimmune conditions.
As an experienced practitioner, Roland has also successfully treated or helped with numerous other health problems including all different types of digestive problems --- such as IBS, Gastritis, Crohn’s Disease, chronic constipation, acid reflux, and more. He has also successfully treated other common conditions such as stress, anxiety, menstrual problems, perio-menopause and menopause, impotence, insomnia, headaches, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, fertility, lung issues such as COPD, asthma and bronchitis, heart health, sinus problems, low immunity and chronic fatigue. In addition, Roland can help with overall health including men’s health, women’s health and anti-aging as well as athletic performance.